Tuesday 4 April 2017

Audience feeback for final draft

 For my final audience feedback, I asked my audience to choose which final edit they preferred (My latest re-done edit posted this week/ or the original which has mainly been labelled as a rough cut). Not only that, but I asked them to tell me their favourite shot's and have listed the genre of films they watch below their pictures as well. Unfortunately it's a bias source in that it is more male dominated however, there is one audience member of whom I work with that is actually older and just fits into our primary target audience. Their suggested improvements will also be added. (So I can refer back to for my final-final edit which I hope to have finished by next week).

Will Pitcher
Box office hits
Fast & Furious
(Mainly animations)
Overall Feedback: Very clean, looks rather professional! Titles do look very sharp and turn a simple skate edit into a real nice shot. Lots of nice transitions and edits - especially the sequence where Ruben skips across the gravel.
Favourite shot: Most definitely the phone clock to phone shot - a clean transition to a well framed phone image.
Improvement: Perhaps make the titles less 'in your face?' Else it gives an action movie feel, and this is clearly a drama genre film.
Preferred video: definitely the second one - so much more quality!

Harriet Wynn (older audience)
 Comedies & Romances
Such as Hot Fuzz, Paul
Bridget jones etc

 Overall Feedback: Very good for just a simple student film. I really like the use of some of the shots in the sequence! The final scene works really well and without narration leaves me with many questions (So hopefully you can hurry and get the narration in?!)
Favourite shot: 110% Has to be the establishing shot straight after the church, it looks so good. I didn't realise our town could look so good in film - Real good effort (camera wise) there.
Improvement: For me, probably just improve the quality, obviously not possible now, but for future reference use a better camera maybe? When the guy is eating his cereal one shot drags a little more than the others, not a huge issue, just something to watch in case it pans out too long.
Preferred video: Deffo the 2nd! The minute those titles popped up.

India Grigg
Dramas (particularly series)
Orange = New black etc

Overall Feedback: So so good, far better than the last ones I have seen. Big fan of the music, really creates a likeable atmosphere and fits the character and editing so well, as it sounds like the music you'd hear at the end of a film - perhaps a smart decision on your half. Everything flows really well though. No anomalies with Sound, the editing is really sharp and smooth. Everything just fits so so well!
Favourite shot: The shot when the camera is on the floor and the Director credits show, looks clean and emphasises the skate aspect of the film.
Improvement: The end, perhaps make the backing track louder, seems just a little quiet.

Aidan Mitchell
Action films
Kingsman & Guardians of Galaxy
Preferred video: 100% The 2nd

Overall Feedback: What a piece! definitely didn't expect this from a pal of mine. Obviously follows the drama conventions very well. There is plenty of mix (not too much skating - doesn't drag on). Narration should easily complete this piece.
Favourite shot: The cupboard one, quite fancy and just feels so real.
Improvement: Not entirely sure what Black Sheep productions has in relation to the film - but maybe I just haven't been researching. Other than that, there are the odd drags, but they're not crucial to change. Cant say they bother me
Preferred video: The most recent one

Joe Rowlands

Overall Feedback: Very good, from an IT point of view the editing is fantastic. Lots of smooth shots that have been made much sharper by the editing transitions and titles. Huge fan of the music really brings the film to life - also creates many questions to why (intentional I believe?)
Favourite shot: The dissolve from the clock to phone - GREAT Editing.
Improvement: I cant say I can think of anything? Apart from the sound at the end, maybe too quiet.
Preferred video: The latest one.. WOW!

Harry Light
Elm Street & Purge
Overall Feedback: OMG class Walkee! First there is the great camera shots and angles, all the pans the rule of thirds - great effort. The editing.. Just Wow, having taken IT I can say your editing is fantastic. Real good use of transitions, I love the titles! And from a sound point of view, just really flows. Every little aspect contrasts well with one another - a real top piece!
Favourite shot: Probably when Ruby (Ruben) is laying in bed - the title us removes wandering eyes and it just looks so smooth, especially with the pan.
Improvement: Honestly? Not too much, as much as I love the titles, I feel they could perhaps be smaller, be more subtle as obviously its a Drama, you don't want to break the conventions of  a drama, do you?
Preferred video: Silly question, the latest one.

Henry Mutter
Romances & Dramas
Titanic - 12 years a Slave
Overall Feedback: Well, where to start, the music mainly the second music really gives a good vibe to the film. The first does fit but makes me question why use sad music in establishing shots. But maybe that's your plan for a reason. Great camera use, shots look so good and far better in the second, you really establish Ottery well.
Favourite shot: The mirror shot - maybe a tad dark and simple, but looks real good, great acting from Ruben btw to keep the verisimilitude of a teen boy and his hair!
Improvement: Me personally? probably just the ending bit, audio needs playing with and maybe back and forth between the car and Ruben? Could make a real difference, and help you use sound in quick fast paced shots.
Preferred video: You know me, I am an honest chap, easily the second.

Katie Underwood
Like every Genre
Watches anything
Overall Feedback: From a film geek POV, good titles, the titles work, fading in and out, so subtle, if they were maybe a little more discreet? I really like the camera work, you've established some good shots of Ottery - you've sustained good verisimilitude and kept the drama conventions of a establishing shots and rural areas.
Favourite shot: The first few establishing shots- has it all, composition and rule of thirds, need I say more?
Improvement: Like most, probably the ending scene. And my comment about the titles.
Preferred video: Deffo the second - you can really see a quality difference.

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