Monday 7 November 2016

Preliminary Task | Final product | Evaluation

This is our final product for our preliminary task. I helped with the all aspects as we were let off and worked as a 4. My major focus was the planning of the actors and there posture as I took those skills from GCSE and adapted them into filming Media, But for our final With Liam Heath, I'll be doing camera and sharing sound.

Considering it was our first major bit of practical, I feel it went rather well. in this Piece I worked with Ruben Haywood (Camera) Dylan Fielding (Editing) Liam Heath (Sound) We had a mixture of shots and techniques which were effective. However It was rather jumpy, there was little dialogue and at some points you didn't understand what was happening and perhaps the skating dragged on a bit. Considering we had to ditch our first idea due to the lack of props which obviously for our final task we will be on top of. Some of the camera work was a little shaky, and the cameraman was visible at one point during the filming, which obviously we will focus on when filming the final. The exchange of dialogue was very vague and it was hard to tell what was going on over the sounds of the pool table and skateboards. There was also little sound effects or editing such as a title, credits etc. Which could have been involved to give the audience connotations of what the film was about, however that was what was intended by lack of titles as the skateboards and way the characters were dressed were signs, which all signified different things, to give the viewers an incense to what the film is about. Obviously this task isn't an opening so it will be very different to our final. And what we can learn is the lack of sound is an issue as it makes the film awkward in some scenes and sometimes, audio can be crucial for the genre or effect of the film. For us Mise-en-scene was big for us to involve and to do this we uses large quantities of establishing shots. And deliberately made the rooms the way they were, like the messiness of the bedroom.
For the camera work Ruben was very effective, he managed to keep the camera as still as he could and used a variety of effective shots and techniques such as 180 degree rule, shot reverse shot. Overall the filming was very good. There were minor errors but they were barely noticeable.
Dylan then proceeded to edit the film by cutting clips and piecing the film together to make sure it ran smoothly. this was important to Dylan as he spent lots of time ensuring the film had little flaws and errors. There weren't to many effects which can be improved on but considering it was his first major edit Dylan did rather well.
Liam on the sound was good, he bared in mind the realistic sounds like the cue hitting the ball and the noises of the door. An effective sound was the skateboards as it set the tone of the film. The only issue was the lack of over sound like music, which did lose its effectiveness in a way as there is little noise or sound effects. 
I helped in all these aspects but i mainly focused on the planning, such as where it was to be filmed, what the actors were to dress like and what they would say. For me the dialogue wasn't too amazing and there is definite room for improvement. But I felt the planning was very good, the scenes for the shots really helped Ruben get good shots, the actors were dressed in stereotypical skate clothes which was my intended idea. I made sure that the actors didn't focus on the camera as you would lose marks and the audience would notice, so my job was to make sure they stayed in role and avoided the camera. I mainly told them to act how they normally would as they are skaters anyway, and it would be hard to imitate the stereotypical skater dudes without causing smiles or awful acting which could have reflected on us badly.
Overall though, I feel the film went fairly successful. There is room for improvement which there obviously will be as its our first time doing things like this so we wont get it bang on perfect. But if we can take and improve our errors and perfect minor errors, we can use these skills to perfect and make our final task so much better, so that we can get the best marks possible whilst avoiding errors we could have made had we not done this task.
This task has helped me increase my skills in all areas and between now and my final I will be taking time to improve my filming and skills to get the best outcome for my final.

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