Friday 18 November 2016


For our final piece we (I and Liam) will need a logo in which our film is represented by. Like warner bros. They have their iconic symbol which pops up before the film to give the audience connotations of how good the film really will be. Seeing as our final task will be a drama we will find an ident that fits.
This cat ident was our first draft, simply because its simple, unique and catchy. However after feedback and discussion people told us a "fat cat" wouldn't really be representative of a drama simply because it's to humorous.

What I can learn from this is that the ident is crucial for the audience to establish the genre and capability of the film, and if that your ident is not in any ways similar to your film then it could reflect badly on the company.

Obviously we can't use official idents, as the ident needs to be unique and one of our own. So what I will do is some research into the kind of ident you'd expect to see for a drama genre film.

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