Sunday 6 November 2016

Planning for the final task

For our final task we have been set the objective of filming an appealing opening sequence of a new film in which we will be using all our skills we have adapted doing our preliminary task. For this task I will be working with Liam Heath and we have drafted 3 ideas we feel will appeal as an opening sequence.

  1. Thriller
  2. Drama
  3. Horror
The reason we have chosen these is because in today's media there are many new released horror films in which we can evaluate and use to plan. Thrillers because in the news all sorts of spooky happenings have been occurring (clowns), so we thought that'd be a good fit. Or a Drama as they're all over our TV's these days and they appeal to the majority of the viewing audience.

In our most recent lesson we went through art of the title where we could see what was necessary in a good film opening, and that's when we decided to do a Drama based film as they seem to be the more appealing films of the lot. We reviewed a scene of the film "Shaun of the dead" where he walks to the shop. We feel this scene is effective for our title as our story is going to be based on one guys life and will have an narrative over the top similar to the Inbetweeners except less explicit and more serious.

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