Tuesday 15 November 2016

Meet the Team

 For our final product (The 2-3 min opening sequence of a film) I myself are pairing up with Liam Heath, having split from our group of 4 as 3 is the maximum members you can have. Luckily for me Liam is a computer wiz having studied IT and owning Premiere Pro at home Liam will be a necessity for our groups edit, I however didn't study IT, but I do have very Arty skills, despite not taking Art as a GCSE nor A-Level.

In our group we have to split 3 roles, obviously not easy in a group of 2. Which is why we have chosen to share an aspect being Sound or Audio. We made this decision as we felt it was both of our weakest link in media, therefore to share it would allow us both to learn together to progress from the shambles we called our prelim task.


Aidan Walker
Watches comedic films;
Inbetweeners- Meet The Spartans etc.
(Also a huge Star Wars fan!)
Arty, studied drama so has knowledge in the film area already
Likes to play sport in free time

Liam Heath
Watches horror films:
Saw - Childs play etc.
Very technical good with PC's having studied IT should be at an advantage
Likes to skate in free time

So as you can see, we should be quite the team both having some skills of which media will ask of, Me having the qualities to enhance our actors performance having studied Drama, and Liam who will be a computer Wiz having taken IT.

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