Thursday 2 March 2017

Audience feedback

Audience feedback on our rough cut
Both Ruben and Dylan work on different areas of filming where as Cameron and Matt are just a target audience, we asked them all to watch our rough-cut and evaluate here after.
 Here are their responses; 
(The quotes under their images were said whilst they viewed our piece)
Ruben Haywood (Filmer)
"Im a fan of some of these very high
quality shots, particularly the crab shot.
 Rule of thirds was done well!"

Ruben Haywood - 
Positives: Good variety of shots, editing is smooth, works well I can tell a lot of research went into this, strong piece with potential.
Negatives: A few errors with mise-en-scene, some rocky camera shots, very dim lit and a lack of sound.
Favourite shot: The shot behind Felix is nice, but that crab-shot is high quality, great composition deffo my favourite shot.
Improvement: Re-film some of the darker shots at a lighter time of day as well as the shaky shots, ensure your mise-en-scene is relevant as I spotted christmas lights, its now nearly Easter - if mise-en-scene can be sorted there will be more potential in this piece.
Dylan Fielding (Editor)
"The editing is fantastic, so
much so that the shots slide
together perfectly looks like
a very good piece!"

Dylan Fielding - 
Positives: Editing is certainly good. Some good camera work with particular shots. Can sense the vast research gone into shot preparation.
Negatives: Some shots can be shaky which can impact overall level, there is a lot of unrecognised miss-en-scene which will affect this piece.
Favourite shot: Particularly the crab shot, however the zoom on the clock for me is a key shot, very focused and effective
Improvement: Pay attention to mise-en-scene! Maybe redo some of the shots as it appears very dark and can give a mixed feeling of a horror and I'm sure thats not the genre you guys are aiming for.
Matt Parker (Audience)
"Have you ever heard the story
of 'The Inbetweeners?' This
seems similar, just a little
less...   Funny."

Matt Parker -
Positives Certainly a clean product, flows smoothly gives a great insight as to what is going on.
Negatives: Very dark, quite christmassy despite it not even being christmas.
Favourite shot: When the cupboard opened, I certainly felt the shot was effective and smooth
Improvement: Obviously the lens flare needs to go! Possibly refill a few shots (where the lighting is poor) could maybe do with some more editing in places to increase the smoothness of the shot transitions.
Cameron Phillips (Audience)
"With some improvement
I see great potential"

Cameron Philips -
Positives: Looks good, some well thought out shots.
Negatives: The lack of sound makes this a little confusing as to what is going on, very dim lit as well, couple of minor errors like the lens flare,the shaky shots and obviously the christmas lights.
Favourite shot: Has to be the one in the cupboard, don't see many of these kind of shots today in film, and your one fits in well with the sequence
Improvement: Obviously this isn't final but there is plenty room for change, perhaps add sound to make us aware to the situation of this character. Increase the lighting and re-film the bad shots (shaky and lens flares)

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