Monday 13 March 2017

Actor update

Due to unavailability of Felix recently and deadlines, we are required to and wish to film constantly. Unfortunately Felix couldn't meet these planned filming times, so we most likely switch to a new actor, someone who we know better and can ask skate and portray a skating role;

Ruben Haywood
Ruben Haywood is a lad we have asked, and he is willing.
We feel that Ruben is also more of a skater so can give a bigger influence and as he's better on a skateboard, it could workout well for us.
Unluckily Ruben did give us feedback on our piece but now he's in it, but obviously that feedback was before he will be in our piece.

 We hope to film with him tonight, update our rough cut and find it easier to get out and film.

This now makes it easier to film for us, and what I have learnt is, to use a reliable actor, and that you can't always expect to have actors constantly but its ideal to have someone who can communicate with us and give availability.

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