Thursday 30 March 2017

Reasoning for title

I have chosen A Skaters Paradise for the title. The reasoning, simply, skater reflects the background and lifestyle of our main character, and because paradise symbolises death etc. And our story is essentially about this one rural teens life and death. Which essentially is summed up in the first two minutes of the sequence. I feel it is a title that can work, as we have had many problems in deciding for the perfect title (Rough cuts may be called 'Skate'). But my final piece however will be with the new title idea.

A reason for the word paradise, is after research on '' typing in words related to Death. Paradise was the only one which sounded less brutal for a title name. It can also connate to a dreamy word in that its a skaters dream/life etc. But what it actually means is death, however if you research paradise on death isn't related to paradise adding a subtle and slightly obvious enigma to our title.

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