Tuesday 7 March 2017

Practising establishing shots

Recently I went on a little venture around Ottery (Our place of film) to practice my camera techniques and apply composition into my shots. But also to gain some establishing shots for our final piece. (Which after Liam edits will soon be on my blog).
 This first shot wasn't on our animatic and it was never intended until I felt it could work quite well, the light gives the shot more effect as it increases the texture and could be perfect for our opening credits, it is not guarantee that we use this shot, but the texture aspect makes it a possibility.

I feel it is a good still shot, however I did intend to pull focus as we want to begin our sequence with a pulling focus.

This second shot also wasn't on the animatic but at the time everything just looked right and I felt it was necessary to take. It simply creates a calm atmosphere, I also think it would work quite well or our opening of the opening sequence.

This shot for me was smooth and nice, but it is a little blurry at points, therefore should me and Liam plan to use it, we will either have to cut it down or re-film it.

The final shot once again also wasn't on the animatic or storyboard, however it is similar to one of our animatic shots of the church. We wanted something to emphasise the silence and signifiers of the church, and had we use the original planned shot, there would have been a wall in the way. Therefore it would be easier to go onto the church grounds and shoot a pan across the grounds. This will help the emphasis of the signifiers of death and silence which are conventions of our piece.

This shot was better than the ones in front of the church, simply as it is looking into the light, giving a better view of the church and the ground compared to the planned shot from the animatic.

Overall evaluation:
These shots I feel are good, they're smooth and would work well. However, in places they loose a little focus which could influence it badly. The lighting gives them texture which is certainly is effective for composition, I also chose these shots as they are potential shots I wish to use, I will just need to ask for peoples opinions on how they think the shots are.

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