Tuesday 28 February 2017


  • Genre
  • Narrative
  • Atmosphere
  • Character
These 4 factors are key in filming, they represent the basic structure of a film and essentially are some of the most important factors.
Genre is essentially the backbone and basis of the film, it sets the feeling and mood. A genre can be recognised by its common set of distinguishing features

What you can learn from genre is how big an audience is for each genre and how popular each genre is. This is important because if we do an unpopular genre, people simply will not watch it.


Narrative in media is basically the media term for 'story telling.' 
Narrative is the way different elements are organised to form a story, an example of these elements would be in documentaries or characters in a drama or comedy (Will- Inbetweeners)

Atmosphere is the genuine feeling the movie gives the audience, essentially the way the audience interprets the text (denotation). Atmosphere can be anything, the surrounding, characters or the dialogue for example, in a comedy you would expect calmer, friendly dialogue, a friendly setting and a lively main character. Whereas, in a horror, we would expect a darker atmosphere, where our character would be horrible, surroundings dark and low key lit, and freaky dialogue. 

Character in media is crucial, the character is the main characteristic of a film,simply because they represent the film. Our character 'Felix' will be important as our film focuses just on him, and will portray the conventions of todays representation of skaters. So it will be important to nail the characteristic side of our filming much like the rest of the GNAC Factors.

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