Saturday 28 January 2017

Learning Premier Pro and basic editing

In one lesson when editing our animatic, Liam (our editor) showed me how to edit so that I can use pro in the future should he not be able to.
What I learnt is that editing can be a long, hard and complicated process if you do to know what you're doing, however even though I not doing any editing for our final piece. Learning to use premier is important for me in case I decide to work alone for next years final tasks. What I have learnt, is how to bring in different transitions like dissolve, cut etc. I've also learnt how to overlap and import sound which is crucial as I share a joint role with Liam on sound.

This will help me greatly with my media as now I know all the main aspects of film making (Sound, Camera and Editing) I can use these skills to my advantage and make the bet I can out of our final piece.

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