Tuesday 24 January 2017

Rough cut

Here is a one minute rough cut (sequence of clips for rough footage NOT final) of a part of our final product. The sequence you see here is the first 1/4 of our film to about halfway.
There are some minor errors I as the camera man will redo, such as when our protagonist Felix is putting on his top, it was intentionally meant to be an arc but I decided against it last minute, and it became a very shaky handheld shot which I have evaluated and will improve on when we re-film and add the rest of our segments.

 I especially like our crab shot in the cupboard as the composition is perfect and the scene really flows. however in that sequence in the kitchen we have paid minor attention to Mise-en-scene and glowing Christmas lights can be seen which will take away the attention of our viewing audience. Another reason we have to re-film. Also because we filmed at dusk and the lighting isn't as natural as we'd have liked.There was a fair amount of planning and we had our animatic aside to roughly get similar shots. But evaluation for next time is use a tripod more often and pay more attention to Mise-en-scene.

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