Tuesday 10 January 2017


In our last lesson, me and Liam presented our pitch/idea to the class. We feel it went rather successful, unfortunately few students put their hands up when asked who would watch it. We got very minor student feedback, some of which consisted of 'needs to be clearer.'
To us this was fair enough as it was fairly rushed and could have been better. Our biggest critic was understandably Miss. She gave us strong criticism in which we took well, she told us how to adapt our character to keep audience engaged, and we have.
One of our audience who said they'll watch it was Harry Stoakes. He claimed he'd watch it as its a kind of film he like to watch. Not only tat but he has always been a film watcher and will watch anything. to us this is helpful as it tells us that there is more a male audience than female, he also gave us a comment as to that its a good time to produce as set genres on films have times when they peak (e.g - Horrors/Halloween, Fantasy's/Christmas).

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