Friday 5 May 2017


Here is my last ever post this year. I chose the non narrative version. HOWEVER, if our movie was to be a full thing, I would still use narration. herefore narration talks in the evaluation question apply to my final. It's not a case of narration not working, as it does. Just not as I would like. And it could easily bring my grade down, So I have chosen not to pick the narrated version as I feel the lack of planning can bring it down. I am upset about this, but it goes to show i need to be more prepared.
The choice was hard, but for the best. I can only improve from here on out though, and learn from my errors for next year. I look forward to possibly giving my skills to some of the year below, and talk them through how crucial differences in the group are. And the vitality of planning.

Overall though, a good piece for me. I really have enjoyed Media this year and I cant wait for next years course. A big thanks to Liam for pairing with me and sharing similarities and differences to where we now are. 

It's been a good one. Cheerss 😄

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