Monday 12 December 2016

Opening sequence necessities

Setting:                                                                 Characters:

  • Sunny                                                           Main - Someone in teens
  • Morning                                                       Mains friend - Similar to main
  • Town/Village                                               Car driver - Anyone as character remains anonymous
Props to consider                                              Notes to Actors
  • Car                                                           Set in Ottery St Mary - Small town
  • Phone                                                       Main character - needs to be dressed in dull colours-
  • Daily household items -                            will be the only one using props - little dialogue in film
  • Spoon/fork/knives                                    Will have to do overtop narration for the majority of the
  • Cereal                                                       two minutes.
  • Alarm clock                                              Second character - Bright colours -Lively-very little
  • Headphones                                             dialogue, enthusiastic acting - In view for only 10-15s
  • Picture

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