Wednesday 7 December 2016

Editing techniques

Graphic match and cut away are two very effective editing methods, and for me they will be used a lot, as in our opening sequence there is going to be a lot of movement in different environments - so we will need to use these shots to move on the frames so we can get our full intro into the 2 mins, and not bore our viewing audience. By spoon feeding them our character constantly doing one action throughout the whole sequence.

We will be using Graphic Match because there will be scenes where in real life they may drag on, but with this technique we can speed up the intro and keep the audience more involved, an example we will use is filming into an alarm clock and back out but into a different environment.

Cut Away will be effective to use as in our piece there will be a lot of things going on, and to help get these gestures across we will use the cut away affect, an example will be the car we use in a variety of shots, where we film the inner of the car whilst keeping the protagonist in frame, then cut away to get the characters view with the car in the background shot.

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