Sunday 23 October 2016

Preliminary Task

For our final task where we will film a 2 minute opening sequence with our own idents, we have been instructed to film a short 2 minute clip of a scene involving an exchange of dialogue, a character moving across a room and an opening of a door. This is our preliminary task which is essentially preparation for the final task where we work with shots and techniques where we will be assessed on for our final task.

Here is a storyboard example of what our film for the preliminary will be. I will explain the shown scenes in this storyboard, however do bare in mind this storyboard will only be about 50-75% of the overall film we will take.
Storyboard pic 1: A low angle shot of a smartly dressed character walks across a corridor in which only the legs and a briefcase prop are seen. This will be the opening shot.

Storyboard 2: We see our second protagonist but not fully, only the shoulders and below can be seen and the shot focuses on the mans hand to create an effect of mystery, there will also be cigarettes on the table to show the characters position in the film.

Storyboard 3: Several shots of our main character, one shot taken high angle from a security camera view to give the sequence genre. The camera will then flicker to give the effect of the security camera, this shot will be followed up by a tracking over the shoulder shot, where the character can be made out where their identity is still unknown.

Storyboard 4: The shot still focusing on the table and what our second character is doing. The dark room will then be lit form the door as it opens and a silhouette of our other character will be scene in this shot reflected on the table.

Storyboard 5: We follow our character walking across the room where the briefcase is forcefully put on the table and opened to reveal a whole load of money to give away an idea of what the film is about causing viewing minds to denote the scene and use the several signs.
This will then be followed by a chain of dialogue in which is covered by an arc shot (still hiding character identity) where after 30 seconds our shot blacks out.

Storyboard 6: One protagonist walks out of a door covered by an establishing-long shot. The character coming out is unknown but we learn that the building belongs ot one of these men as its protected by a man stood outside the door who will be given strength and power by a low angle, long shot.

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