Thursday 15 September 2016

5 Favourite films and why I enjoy them


STAR WARS: Revenge Of The Sith
1. This is arguably my favourite film, for many reasons one being the fact it was one of the first films I ever saw, and the sci-fi aspects of the films for example all of the fighting scenes and the lightsaber duels, these really made me watch in shock, because no one had ever had an idea like this before, in the whole series we meet a man named Obi wan, the good guy, the next big thing, training Anakin, who has replaced Obi in the next big thing. But Obi wan has to be my favourite character, purely because, he's the wise old man character and they've always been my kind of characters. But what makes this film so special is that its a one of a kind and the story line for me has to be the most thrilling of the series as its when Anakin becomes the bad guy and no one suspects it because he never has signs of it in any of the films. There is just too much about the film to say hence why it has to be my favourite, Disagree? Then why don't you see it for yourself?

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
2.Is Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire, this has to be my second favourite and most favourite Harry Potter of the series. For many reasons, first of all its the most appealing of them all and for me its the most action packed. The reason this film is on my top 5 list is because throughout growing up Harry Potter was slowly releasing films and books and I always used to read the books non stop until the next episode was released. People associate Harry Potter with a nerdy audience but I really don't see that, its an absolute classic, its full of it all! Action, Romance, Drama and a little scary side to it, not to mention the fact that its based around a fantasy. Another aspect HP appeals is because of Emma Watson and in this film she becomes good looking and makes it more interesting because Hey, who doesn't like a good looking girl? But back to point Harry Potter is made to enter a 3 man tournament in which he becomes the 4th despite being far too young to enter, which leaves not only Hogwarts but wizarding fans as to how he does it, and this leads to our main story which for me is the most key and important episode as it is full of everything and explains all your unanswered questions and the creative fantasy of J.K.Rowling makes this one of my top 5 films.

3. How could you not expect this classic to be here? Ted is literally, probably and undoubtedly the most hilarious comedy film about. The fact that there is a talking bear is pretty funny in its own mind, but this bear is literally an adult, pulling girls making money to driving a car. All sorts of things the American man today dreams about. However our film isn't just a superstar teddy bear, there is also the mix of well known top celebs such as Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis (who lets be honest is a rather good looking lady and she makes it another reason to sit and watch), and best till last, Seth McFarlane the man behind family guy, the man behind the humour. And this perfect combo of actors makes it the perfect movie to watch whenever you're in the need of a laugh. However in the film we're given the lives of two people so the film doesn't become too tedious, and mixes up the film and gives us our fantastic relationship between man and teddy-bear. But likewise again. It has to be the best comedy film I've ever seen and if you haven't, let me just say, you're missing out.

The Inbetweeners movie
4. You're probably  thinking, how is this on my list considering the films an 18. But that's what today's all about. Us teens can't stay away the 18 makes us want to watch it because it means we cant. but after seeing the inbetweeners we do see why this film series has been rated 18. But to watch such a classic comedy about 4 school odd-bods is utterly hilarious. Yes you take away some knew and interesting vocab, but the film is worth a watch. The boys go on a "lads" trip to Malia, in expectancy to get "sun, sea, s*x, sand, booze, s*x and many more things "it definitely is a must watch, just because every heart-felt and sad moment they turn into a comedy act. The one negative which makes this not so high on the list is due to a set scene involving two of our characters. But asides that, this film is a major step up in comedy, and considering its 4 year age, the film is still majorly upbeat and Will's character playing narrator couldn't be any better, putting this one as a strong contender in this list.

STAR WARS: The Phantom Menace
5. Yes, another Star Wars. Except this is the first, the creation, the opener, the key to arguably the best film franchise the world has embraced (well, that's my opinion anyway). Star Wars The Phantom Menace was a big start to a massive journey in George Lucas's biggest film series yet. The first one is an absolute classic and what draws you in is all these new things you've never seen on TV before. It had it all, fights, violence, and racing, what kind of Sci-Fi offers this? Star Wars. What drew me to star wars though was the addition of some new and unique things, such as tartan Jar-Jar Binks (as shown in pic) for me as a young child this was insane as it was new and aliens were so cool back then. But now I look back on this movie and see a sheer classic that any man, boy or child could spend his Sunday watching. There are just a lot of cool space like effects that intrigue you let alone the catchy background songs in certain situations. But if you're ever lacking in films, The Phantom Menace is for you, simply because you'll become so engrossed you'll have to flip out the wallet to splash money on the other 6 films. Star Wars: TPM at number 5 and will always be there considering the age of the film and the fact no matter how many times you watch it or how old you are, it never gets old.

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